Volume 103 (1) (2022)
1.God’s Omnipotence: A Literary Investigation - Harold, G.
2. A Critical Investigation into the Role of Widows in Early Church Life – Nicolaides, A.
3.Ubuntu: A Countermeasure for Challenges of Child-Rearing -Mokhutso, J.
4. A Qualitative Pastoral Care Model on teenage care in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa – Jibiliza, X.
5. Decoloniality of School Governance in Lesotho: A Religio-historical approach -. Mokotso, R.I.
6. “Freely you have received, freely give”: A Socio-Ethical Analysis of Charismatic Engagements and Pentecostalism in Nigeria - Ajayi, S.D.
7. Humans or Machines? Scientific Determinism within the Context of Yoruba Human Ontology – Gbadamosi, O.A.
8. Ifá Guiding Principles in Pre-Marital Counselling Towards a Happy Family - Akinola Segun Gabriel
9. A Reflection on the Islamic Portrait of Jesus - Kolawole Oladotun Paul
10. Reflections on the City of Alexandria and the growth of the early Christian faith - Nicolaides, A.
11. Considering the Contradictions of Religion and Orthodox Christianity as concomitantly endorsing strife and accord – A Social Capital Perspective - du Toit, F. & Nicolaides, A.
12. Religious perspectives on Vaccination: Mandatory Covid-19 vaccine for SA Churches - Thinane, J.S.
13. The Influence and the legacy of the Latter Rain Movement on the Neo-Charismatic Movement – Resane, K.T.
14. The church and state redefined in the 21st Century: The relevance of the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) in the democratization of Malawi - Zgambo, H.F.
15. Christianity and Environmental Care in Nigeria: The Role of Christians in Addressing Indiscriminate Refuse Disposal - Ottuh, J.A.
16. Teleios in the Epistle of James - Seongjae Yeo
17. ANC’s step-aside rule through the eye of the missio politica as mandated by Missio Dei - Thinane, J.S.
18.Rethinking church polity structure in pluralism for the 21st century: A case study of the Reformed Churches in South Africa - Zgambo, H.F.
19.The pastoral presence in absence: Challenges and opportunities of pastoral care in the context of the global pandemic, Coronavirus - Hove, R.
20. Women and Children under Siege: Re-reading Biblical Texts in light of Child Abandonment in South Africa - Ngqeza, Z. & Nortjé-Meyer, (SJ) L.
21. The Spiritual Language of Colour: A Case Study of Colour Symbolism in the Hindu Community in South Africa - Kudrya-Marais, E.V. & Folasayo Enoch Olalere
22. Ubuntu is under siege: a reflection on the challenges of South Africa then and now – Mokhutso, J.
23. A text-immanent, narrative-critical and logotherapeutic reading of the book of Amos and the necessity of a scientific approach by its readers to prevent terror deeds - Masoga, M.A. & Ras, J.M.
24. Science, Scripture, and Self: Epistemological Implications of Psalm 19 –Martin, L.R.
25. A brief exposition on the notions of Human Suffering, Theodicy and Theocracy in the Book of Job – Zgambo, H.F. & Nicolaides, A.
26. Livingspring Christian Music Festival: Its history, beliefs and impact in Ile-Ife, Nigeria - Akinloye, O., Aluko, O.P. & Owoeye, S.A
27. In Search of Heterotopia Religiosity? Motives for Religious Tourism and Pilgrimages to Zion Christian Church Mbungo Shrine: A Case from Zimbabwe - Muzurura, J., Mutambara, E. & Mahohoma, T.
28. Lekgotla and Magadi: Ubuntu oriented Practical Theology Research Methods- Mzondi, A.M.M
29. An Ecclesiological Reflection on the Role of Chaplains in 32 Battalion (1977-1993)- Gordon, W.
30. Responsible citizenship is more than a government label! Faith-based values in the domestic domain - Ebrihiam Freeks, F.E.
31. Defending Innovative Theologies - Tucker, G.H. & Nortjé-Meyer, L (SJ)
32. The Righteous Will Live by Truth: A Kierkegaardian Proposal for a Trinitarian Epistemology - Maga, E. & Falconer, R.
33. An African perspective on hamartology and ecology: Assessing Jesse Mugambi’s contribution to the contemporary debate – Cloete, N.
34. The Positive Confession Movement and its influence and legacy on the Neo-Charismatic Movement - Resane, K.T.
35. Oath taking viewed Biblically and perjury by South African Politicians – Thinane, J.S.
36. Do grapes produce blood? A problematic metaphor in biblical texts - Wilson, M.
37. Pauline Privilege: A Pastoral concern in the South African Catholic Church –Arima, C.
38. Promoting faith-based tourism products in selected sacred spaces of south western Nigeria: the challenging factors – Ezenagu, N., Layefa, G., Okpoko, P. & Okpoko, C.
39. COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on the church landscape in Zimbabwe - Baloyi, E. & Pali K. J.
40. Integration in the early black Pentecostal community: a basis for social action in a post-1994 South Africa - Kgatle, M.S.
41. Towards Ecumenical Dialogue between African Pentecostalism and Roman Catholicism- Kgatle, M.S. & Lephoto, M.B.
42. The significance of integration of families of seminarians in the Roman Catholic ministerial formation in South Africa - Mokone, P.C. & Pali, K.J.
43. Exuberant Praise: A Pentecostal Reading of Psalm 150 - Martin, L.R.
44. Faith, Hope and Love: A Theological Approach to Reconciliation within Evangelicalism- Harold, G.
45. Duplicate article removed
46.A Theological Response of the Chapel of the Light, the University of Ilorin, to the Covid19 Pandemic - Ogunkunle, C.O.
47. Responding to the crisis: Implications of the challenges and opportunities of being a Church during COVID-19 - Mncube, D.W., Ngema, T.N. & Buthelezi, Z.G.
48. Church Offerings during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in GKII Tandang - Enggar Objantoro, Susanto, Ruat Diana, Katarina & I Putu Ayub Darmawan
49."Anthropology" and the "Imago Dei" as (related) problematic concepts when considering technology: suggestions towards greater cross-disciplinary understanding - Lombaard, C.
50.Double Identities and Identity Struggles in Kongolese Catholicism of the 1700s: Kimpa Vita, Antonian Movement, and a Kongolese Interpretation of Christianity - Lamak, K.
Volume 103(2) 2022
1. An analysis of the cases of teenagers dying in taverns in South Africa: Some Biblical and African considerations - Mokhutso, J.
2. Globalisation and Its Effects on Religious Practices: A Case Study of the Hindu Community in Durban South Africa - Kudrya-Marais, E.V. & Olalere, F.O.
3. Developing an African Evangelical Theology - Harold, G.
4. Popularity, Populism and Prophetism in Neo-Pentecostal Movement: The Jehoshaphat-Ahab Narrative – Resane, K.T.
5. Jeremiah the Suffering Prophet - his Communication of Judgment and Promise of Blessings - Reddy, M.M. & Nicolaides, A.
6. The Essence of Western-Christian Influence in Talmudic Legal Tradition - Farooqui, M.O., Ashok, D. & Qureshi, T.
7. The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on tourism and religious destinations: A case of Catholic pilgrimages in KZN, South Africa - Nkwanyana, S., Apleni, L. & Mabaleka, N.
8. Compassionate Acts as Missional Theosis: A Call to the Evangelical Church of Southern Africa -Harold , G.
9. A Critical Analysis of the Roots, Faces and Features of ‘Tribalism’ in Africa - Dami, C.D.
10. Breathing Divine Breath: on the Greco-Egyptian Sources of Hesychasm - Kleinhempel, U.
11. Unpacking the history of the Blantyre Synod of Church of the Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) in Malawi - Zgambo. H.F.
12. Nimi Wariboko’s The Pentecostal Hypothesis and African Pentecostalism during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Igboin, B.O.
13. Explanatory and Confirmation to become a good Servant of Christ based on 1 Timothy 4:1-16 in Muria Indonesia Christian Church in Jepara District- Astuti, P., Suparti, H., Wahyuni, S. & Lestari, A.
14.Reincarnation: revisiting the transmigration of souls as systematic and pastoral issue - Kleinhempel, U.
15. Mission Theology in the context of a Multiple Society - Ming, D. & Daliman, M.
16. Power dynamics among Pentecostal prophets in New Prophetic Churches: An African Christocentric missional approach - Kgatle, M.S.
17. Pragmatism in the lenses of African Christianity A humanistic approach to lived religions – Mokhoathi, J.
18. Descriptions of Nature as Images of Moral Decline in the Letter of Jude - SJ (Lilly) Nortje-Meyer
19. Forms of Communication used by the Cell Church post Covid-19- Reddy, M.M.
20. Explanation and Confirmation of Education based on 2 Timothy 1:1-18 among Christian Religious Education Teachers in Batam City - Purba, P.P., Lasut, C.J., Wahyuni, S. & Lestari, A.
21. Leadership Re-appropriated for 21st-century Women: A Reading of Deuteronomy 17:15 -20 – Pietersen, D.
22. Implementation of the Teaching Method of Jesus based on the Gospel of Matthew by Religious Education Teachers in Batam City - Purwasasi Yuli, Hana Suparti, Daniel Suharto & Ana Lestari
23. An Explanatory and Confirmatory Study about the spreading of Jesus’ message based on Matthew 28:18-20 by Christian Religious Education Teachers in Batam City - Roy Damanik, Hana Suparti, Ari Suksmono & Ana Lestari
24. Josiah’s Reforms as a Model of Leadership among the Servants in Batam based on 2 Kings 22-23:1-30 - Yulianus Bani, Muner Daliman, Timotius Sukarna & Daniel Suharto
25. Circumcision as a Pastoral concern in the South African Catholic Church - Arima, C. & Baloyi. M.E.
26. Feminist Approach to the Theology of Sin and Forgiveness in Intimate Partner Violence Within Marriage in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa – Makhanya, M.T.B. (Bishop)
27. Christian Leaders Competences Based on 1 Timothy 3:1-13 - Paimin Siahaan, Muner Daliman, Hana Suparti & Paulus Sentot Purwoko
28. The Pastor as an Ecumenical Leader: Reflections and Pastoral Ministry experiences at Bvumbura parish, Zimbabwe - Hove, R. & Moyo, H.
29. Community in South Africa: A Pastoral Tool of the Local Catholic Church - Arima, C. & Baloyi, M.E.
30. The Role and Position of the Orthodox Church in the Current Era - Tatu, R. & Nicolaides, A.
31. Re-thinking the scourge of leprosy (Matthew 8:2-4) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A protective motivational paradigm - Marevesa, T.
32. Anti-Revolutionary Epistemology: Philippus Jacobus Hoedemaker’s Philosophy of Revelation - Schlebusch, J.A.
33. An Investigation on Demonic influences on human beings: Demonic Oppression or Demonic Possession: The Role of the Holy Spirit - Harold, G. & Nel, E.
34. An Ubuntu-Christocentric Comparison of Gold Mine Companies and the Zama Zama Enterprise in the West Rand District Municipality - Mzondi, A.M.M.
35. The Influence of Pentecostal Pneumatology on Mainline Churches in Nigeria - Oyewole, N.O.
36. Ecclesiological Analysis of Women Leadership: A Theological Reflection - Okunade, A.A.
37. An explanatory and confirmatory study of Transformative Leadership based on Nehemiah 1-8 among Church Leaders in Batam City - Nainggolan, M., Sukarna, T., Wahyuni, S., Lasut, C.J. & Sirait, J.R.
38. Transforming Fatherless Children through Faith as a Strength Perspective: Challenging Father-Absence as a Social ill in South African Society – Freeks, F.E
39. The role of the Holy Spirit for Church Believers in the Hermeneutic context between Biblical Authority, Illumination and Interpretation - Moses Wibowo, Jamin Tanhidy & David Ming
40. New Testament Contextualization and Inculturation in Nigeria – Okunade, A.A.
41. Destroying the City, Burning the fields: Towards a New Testament Concept and Definition of Corruption - Speckman, M.
42. Demonizing Ornaments as the New Righteousness: Re-reading Exodus 33:1-6 as a response to Contemporary Interpretations – Opade, O.F.
43. Nehemiah as a Biblical Model of Volunteer Workers for effective Church Administration - Olabamiji, E.O.
44. The Teaching of the Apostle Paul about the New Man: Considering Christian Religious Education Teachers in Sleman District and Yogyakarta City – Emeliana, Sri Wahyuni, Hana Suparti & Ana Lestari
45. Paul's perspective on the Role of Women in leadership and its relevance to the Church in Africa – Oyewole, N.O.
46. Ancestors are demonic - is it true? Traversing Christian demonology and African traditional religion – Mokhutso, J.
47. Social Injustice in Amos 5 and Its Implications for the Contemporary Society - Adegboyega, J.A
48. The Influence of Teacher Personality Quality on the Spiritual Growth of a Congregation - Yosua Budi Ristiono, Junio Richson Sirait, Paulus Kunto Baskoro & Marlina Eliyanti Simbolon
49. The Religiosity and Self-Awareness Effect On Chinese-Christian Worker Professionalism in Indonesia – Lontoh, FO.L. & Chia, P.S.
50. Pastoral care for Gender-based violence affected South African University students - The Rt. Revd Makhanya, M T.B.
51. Spiritual Development with Changes in the Social Behavior of Christian Prisoners - Bobby Kurnia Putrawan, Sutrisno, Timotius Bakti Sarono, Marthin Steven Lumingkewas & Iswahyudi
52. Out of the Shadows of Patriarchy: The Struggle for Women’s Liberation in the Holy Bible - Agus Santoso, Pujiastuti Elizabeth Sindoro & Bobby Kurnia Putrawan
53. Revisiting the relevant History of Livingstonia Mission and its Subsequent Synod Developments in reformed church perspective - Zgambo, H.F.
1.God’s Omnipotence: A Literary Investigation - Harold, G.
2. A Critical Investigation into the Role of Widows in Early Church Life – Nicolaides, A.
3.Ubuntu: A Countermeasure for Challenges of Child-Rearing -Mokhutso, J.
4. A Qualitative Pastoral Care Model on teenage care in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa – Jibiliza, X.
5. Decoloniality of School Governance in Lesotho: A Religio-historical approach -. Mokotso, R.I.
6. “Freely you have received, freely give”: A Socio-Ethical Analysis of Charismatic Engagements and Pentecostalism in Nigeria - Ajayi, S.D.
7. Humans or Machines? Scientific Determinism within the Context of Yoruba Human Ontology – Gbadamosi, O.A.
8. Ifá Guiding Principles in Pre-Marital Counselling Towards a Happy Family - Akinola Segun Gabriel
9. A Reflection on the Islamic Portrait of Jesus - Kolawole Oladotun Paul
10. Reflections on the City of Alexandria and the growth of the early Christian faith - Nicolaides, A.
11. Considering the Contradictions of Religion and Orthodox Christianity as concomitantly endorsing strife and accord – A Social Capital Perspective - du Toit, F. & Nicolaides, A.
12. Religious perspectives on Vaccination: Mandatory Covid-19 vaccine for SA Churches - Thinane, J.S.
13. The Influence and the legacy of the Latter Rain Movement on the Neo-Charismatic Movement – Resane, K.T.
14. The church and state redefined in the 21st Century: The relevance of the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) in the democratization of Malawi - Zgambo, H.F.
15. Christianity and Environmental Care in Nigeria: The Role of Christians in Addressing Indiscriminate Refuse Disposal - Ottuh, J.A.
16. Teleios in the Epistle of James - Seongjae Yeo
17. ANC’s step-aside rule through the eye of the missio politica as mandated by Missio Dei - Thinane, J.S.
18.Rethinking church polity structure in pluralism for the 21st century: A case study of the Reformed Churches in South Africa - Zgambo, H.F.
19.The pastoral presence in absence: Challenges and opportunities of pastoral care in the context of the global pandemic, Coronavirus - Hove, R.
20. Women and Children under Siege: Re-reading Biblical Texts in light of Child Abandonment in South Africa - Ngqeza, Z. & Nortjé-Meyer, (SJ) L.
21. The Spiritual Language of Colour: A Case Study of Colour Symbolism in the Hindu Community in South Africa - Kudrya-Marais, E.V. & Folasayo Enoch Olalere
22. Ubuntu is under siege: a reflection on the challenges of South Africa then and now – Mokhutso, J.
23. A text-immanent, narrative-critical and logotherapeutic reading of the book of Amos and the necessity of a scientific approach by its readers to prevent terror deeds - Masoga, M.A. & Ras, J.M.
24. Science, Scripture, and Self: Epistemological Implications of Psalm 19 –Martin, L.R.
25. A brief exposition on the notions of Human Suffering, Theodicy and Theocracy in the Book of Job – Zgambo, H.F. & Nicolaides, A.
26. Livingspring Christian Music Festival: Its history, beliefs and impact in Ile-Ife, Nigeria - Akinloye, O., Aluko, O.P. & Owoeye, S.A
27. In Search of Heterotopia Religiosity? Motives for Religious Tourism and Pilgrimages to Zion Christian Church Mbungo Shrine: A Case from Zimbabwe - Muzurura, J., Mutambara, E. & Mahohoma, T.
28. Lekgotla and Magadi: Ubuntu oriented Practical Theology Research Methods- Mzondi, A.M.M
29. An Ecclesiological Reflection on the Role of Chaplains in 32 Battalion (1977-1993)- Gordon, W.
30. Responsible citizenship is more than a government label! Faith-based values in the domestic domain - Ebrihiam Freeks, F.E.
31. Defending Innovative Theologies - Tucker, G.H. & Nortjé-Meyer, L (SJ)
32. The Righteous Will Live by Truth: A Kierkegaardian Proposal for a Trinitarian Epistemology - Maga, E. & Falconer, R.
33. An African perspective on hamartology and ecology: Assessing Jesse Mugambi’s contribution to the contemporary debate – Cloete, N.
34. The Positive Confession Movement and its influence and legacy on the Neo-Charismatic Movement - Resane, K.T.
35. Oath taking viewed Biblically and perjury by South African Politicians – Thinane, J.S.
36. Do grapes produce blood? A problematic metaphor in biblical texts - Wilson, M.
37. Pauline Privilege: A Pastoral concern in the South African Catholic Church –Arima, C.
38. Promoting faith-based tourism products in selected sacred spaces of south western Nigeria: the challenging factors – Ezenagu, N., Layefa, G., Okpoko, P. & Okpoko, C.
39. COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on the church landscape in Zimbabwe - Baloyi, E. & Pali K. J.
40. Integration in the early black Pentecostal community: a basis for social action in a post-1994 South Africa - Kgatle, M.S.
41. Towards Ecumenical Dialogue between African Pentecostalism and Roman Catholicism- Kgatle, M.S. & Lephoto, M.B.
42. The significance of integration of families of seminarians in the Roman Catholic ministerial formation in South Africa - Mokone, P.C. & Pali, K.J.
43. Exuberant Praise: A Pentecostal Reading of Psalm 150 - Martin, L.R.
44. Faith, Hope and Love: A Theological Approach to Reconciliation within Evangelicalism- Harold, G.
45. Duplicate article removed
46.A Theological Response of the Chapel of the Light, the University of Ilorin, to the Covid19 Pandemic - Ogunkunle, C.O.
47. Responding to the crisis: Implications of the challenges and opportunities of being a Church during COVID-19 - Mncube, D.W., Ngema, T.N. & Buthelezi, Z.G.
48. Church Offerings during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in GKII Tandang - Enggar Objantoro, Susanto, Ruat Diana, Katarina & I Putu Ayub Darmawan
49."Anthropology" and the "Imago Dei" as (related) problematic concepts when considering technology: suggestions towards greater cross-disciplinary understanding - Lombaard, C.
50.Double Identities and Identity Struggles in Kongolese Catholicism of the 1700s: Kimpa Vita, Antonian Movement, and a Kongolese Interpretation of Christianity - Lamak, K.
Volume 103(2) 2022
1. An analysis of the cases of teenagers dying in taverns in South Africa: Some Biblical and African considerations - Mokhutso, J.
2. Globalisation and Its Effects on Religious Practices: A Case Study of the Hindu Community in Durban South Africa - Kudrya-Marais, E.V. & Olalere, F.O.
3. Developing an African Evangelical Theology - Harold, G.
4. Popularity, Populism and Prophetism in Neo-Pentecostal Movement: The Jehoshaphat-Ahab Narrative – Resane, K.T.
5. Jeremiah the Suffering Prophet - his Communication of Judgment and Promise of Blessings - Reddy, M.M. & Nicolaides, A.
6. The Essence of Western-Christian Influence in Talmudic Legal Tradition - Farooqui, M.O., Ashok, D. & Qureshi, T.
7. The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on tourism and religious destinations: A case of Catholic pilgrimages in KZN, South Africa - Nkwanyana, S., Apleni, L. & Mabaleka, N.
8. Compassionate Acts as Missional Theosis: A Call to the Evangelical Church of Southern Africa -Harold , G.
9. A Critical Analysis of the Roots, Faces and Features of ‘Tribalism’ in Africa - Dami, C.D.
10. Breathing Divine Breath: on the Greco-Egyptian Sources of Hesychasm - Kleinhempel, U.
11. Unpacking the history of the Blantyre Synod of Church of the Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) in Malawi - Zgambo. H.F.
12. Nimi Wariboko’s The Pentecostal Hypothesis and African Pentecostalism during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Igboin, B.O.
13. Explanatory and Confirmation to become a good Servant of Christ based on 1 Timothy 4:1-16 in Muria Indonesia Christian Church in Jepara District- Astuti, P., Suparti, H., Wahyuni, S. & Lestari, A.
14.Reincarnation: revisiting the transmigration of souls as systematic and pastoral issue - Kleinhempel, U.
15. Mission Theology in the context of a Multiple Society - Ming, D. & Daliman, M.
16. Power dynamics among Pentecostal prophets in New Prophetic Churches: An African Christocentric missional approach - Kgatle, M.S.
17. Pragmatism in the lenses of African Christianity A humanistic approach to lived religions – Mokhoathi, J.
18. Descriptions of Nature as Images of Moral Decline in the Letter of Jude - SJ (Lilly) Nortje-Meyer
19. Forms of Communication used by the Cell Church post Covid-19- Reddy, M.M.
20. Explanation and Confirmation of Education based on 2 Timothy 1:1-18 among Christian Religious Education Teachers in Batam City - Purba, P.P., Lasut, C.J., Wahyuni, S. & Lestari, A.
21. Leadership Re-appropriated for 21st-century Women: A Reading of Deuteronomy 17:15 -20 – Pietersen, D.
22. Implementation of the Teaching Method of Jesus based on the Gospel of Matthew by Religious Education Teachers in Batam City - Purwasasi Yuli, Hana Suparti, Daniel Suharto & Ana Lestari
23. An Explanatory and Confirmatory Study about the spreading of Jesus’ message based on Matthew 28:18-20 by Christian Religious Education Teachers in Batam City - Roy Damanik, Hana Suparti, Ari Suksmono & Ana Lestari
24. Josiah’s Reforms as a Model of Leadership among the Servants in Batam based on 2 Kings 22-23:1-30 - Yulianus Bani, Muner Daliman, Timotius Sukarna & Daniel Suharto
25. Circumcision as a Pastoral concern in the South African Catholic Church - Arima, C. & Baloyi. M.E.
26. Feminist Approach to the Theology of Sin and Forgiveness in Intimate Partner Violence Within Marriage in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa – Makhanya, M.T.B. (Bishop)
27. Christian Leaders Competences Based on 1 Timothy 3:1-13 - Paimin Siahaan, Muner Daliman, Hana Suparti & Paulus Sentot Purwoko
28. The Pastor as an Ecumenical Leader: Reflections and Pastoral Ministry experiences at Bvumbura parish, Zimbabwe - Hove, R. & Moyo, H.
29. Community in South Africa: A Pastoral Tool of the Local Catholic Church - Arima, C. & Baloyi, M.E.
30. The Role and Position of the Orthodox Church in the Current Era - Tatu, R. & Nicolaides, A.
31. Re-thinking the scourge of leprosy (Matthew 8:2-4) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A protective motivational paradigm - Marevesa, T.
32. Anti-Revolutionary Epistemology: Philippus Jacobus Hoedemaker’s Philosophy of Revelation - Schlebusch, J.A.
33. An Investigation on Demonic influences on human beings: Demonic Oppression or Demonic Possession: The Role of the Holy Spirit - Harold, G. & Nel, E.
34. An Ubuntu-Christocentric Comparison of Gold Mine Companies and the Zama Zama Enterprise in the West Rand District Municipality - Mzondi, A.M.M.
35. The Influence of Pentecostal Pneumatology on Mainline Churches in Nigeria - Oyewole, N.O.
36. Ecclesiological Analysis of Women Leadership: A Theological Reflection - Okunade, A.A.
37. An explanatory and confirmatory study of Transformative Leadership based on Nehemiah 1-8 among Church Leaders in Batam City - Nainggolan, M., Sukarna, T., Wahyuni, S., Lasut, C.J. & Sirait, J.R.
38. Transforming Fatherless Children through Faith as a Strength Perspective: Challenging Father-Absence as a Social ill in South African Society – Freeks, F.E
39. The role of the Holy Spirit for Church Believers in the Hermeneutic context between Biblical Authority, Illumination and Interpretation - Moses Wibowo, Jamin Tanhidy & David Ming
40. New Testament Contextualization and Inculturation in Nigeria – Okunade, A.A.
41. Destroying the City, Burning the fields: Towards a New Testament Concept and Definition of Corruption - Speckman, M.
42. Demonizing Ornaments as the New Righteousness: Re-reading Exodus 33:1-6 as a response to Contemporary Interpretations – Opade, O.F.
43. Nehemiah as a Biblical Model of Volunteer Workers for effective Church Administration - Olabamiji, E.O.
44. The Teaching of the Apostle Paul about the New Man: Considering Christian Religious Education Teachers in Sleman District and Yogyakarta City – Emeliana, Sri Wahyuni, Hana Suparti & Ana Lestari
45. Paul's perspective on the Role of Women in leadership and its relevance to the Church in Africa – Oyewole, N.O.
46. Ancestors are demonic - is it true? Traversing Christian demonology and African traditional religion – Mokhutso, J.
47. Social Injustice in Amos 5 and Its Implications for the Contemporary Society - Adegboyega, J.A
48. The Influence of Teacher Personality Quality on the Spiritual Growth of a Congregation - Yosua Budi Ristiono, Junio Richson Sirait, Paulus Kunto Baskoro & Marlina Eliyanti Simbolon
49. The Religiosity and Self-Awareness Effect On Chinese-Christian Worker Professionalism in Indonesia – Lontoh, FO.L. & Chia, P.S.
50. Pastoral care for Gender-based violence affected South African University students - The Rt. Revd Makhanya, M T.B.
51. Spiritual Development with Changes in the Social Behavior of Christian Prisoners - Bobby Kurnia Putrawan, Sutrisno, Timotius Bakti Sarono, Marthin Steven Lumingkewas & Iswahyudi
52. Out of the Shadows of Patriarchy: The Struggle for Women’s Liberation in the Holy Bible - Agus Santoso, Pujiastuti Elizabeth Sindoro & Bobby Kurnia Putrawan
53. Revisiting the relevant History of Livingstonia Mission and its Subsequent Synod Developments in reformed church perspective - Zgambo, H.F.