CLOSED - VOLUME 106 (1) November -December 2024 for January 2025 PUBLICATION : SPECIAL THEMED ISSUE Religion/Theology, Mother Earth, Pandemics and Gender: Exploring Solutions, Fortitude, and Resilience (Pan African conference at Trinity College in Ghana, July 2024).
This themed issue explores Religion/theology, Mother Earth, and pandemics in the context of gender. The enquiry embraces the complexity of belief systems and scrutinizes practical implications for fostering nuanced understandings of the multifaceted relationships that influence societal resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges. Focusing on how religious and theological perspectives shape gendered responses to crises related to Mother Earth, and pandemics, we acknowledge diverse experiences and cultural nuances. From gender and environmental exploitation to impacts and responses to pandemics, we seek to illuminate pathways for collective resilience, and sustainable coexistence. In pursuit of practical insight, this thematic inquiry aspires to unravel connections that foster solutions, fortitude, and resilience in the face of contemporary problems.
CLOSED - VOLUME 105 (5) October 2024 Regular issue forthcoming articles are under review
Anniegrace Mapangisana Hlatywayo (PhD D.) - Lead editor. Midlands State University, Zimbabwe and Research Institute for Theology and Religion (RITR)- UNISA, South Africa.
Macloud Sipeyiye (Ph.D.), Midlands State University, Zimbabwe and Research Institute for Theology and Religion (RITR) UNISA, South Africa.
Canisius Mwandayi (Ph.D.). Africa University, Zimbabwe and Research Institute for Theology and Religion (RITR), UNISA, SouthAfrica.
Sophia Chirongoma (Ph.D.) Research Institute for Theology and Religion (RITR), UNISA, South Africa.
This themed issue on African Women, COVID-19 and Mental Health is a collection of articles presented at a conference hosted by the Midlands State University, Department of Religious Studies and Ethics, in collaboration with the Humboldt Research Hub in Africa on Women, Religion and Pandemics, stationed at the University of Zimbabwe, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany.
1. Pastoral Therapy on Euthanasia: Christian Humanism and Ubuntu Embracing Openness - Phalatsi-Shilubana, M.
2. African Traditional Medicine as a COVID-19 treatment and the South African Government response - Bhuda, T.S. & Mdhluli, T.D.
3. Transformative light and thresholds: exploring metaphor in brutalist church architecture – Odendaal, W.
4. Re-reading the Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa: A Narrative Paradigm - Marevesa, T. & Meyer, B
5. Covid-19,Women’s Mental Health, and Religion in Zimbabwe:Insights from Christian Women and Clergymen in Masvingo, Zimbabwe-Chireshe, E.
6. COVID-19, Christian Women and Mental Health: An African Interventionist Response - Hlatywayo, A.M.
7.When mentally ill women become sexual preys in Zimbabwe: An African indigenous religio-cultural perspective - Humbe, B.P.
8.Double pandemic for Sub-Saharan African women during COVID-19: A Critical Patriarchal Exposé with Intervention Strategies – Jeawon, R.& Konyana, E.
9.Women and care ethics during the COVID-19 pandemic: Who cares for the care-givers? - Konyana, E.
10. Women, Biblical Texts and COVID-19 in Zimbabwe: Navigating the Mental Health Terrain - Manyonganise, M.
11. Behind the ‘bruised male ego’ – negotiating women ‘pressures’ in the homes during COVID-19 lockdowns: Congolese and Zimbabwean men in focus - Mukole, M. & Mwandayi, C.
12. Women in Pentecostal churches and mental wellbeing during the COVID- 19 pandemic: The case of the Apostolic Faith Mission of Zimbabwe - Mupangwa, T.
13.COVID-19, mother-teachers and teen suicide-personality disorder: Exploring the synergies and readying for contingencies in Indigenous-Christian contexts - Museka, G. & Hlatywayo, A.M.
14.The COVID-19 pandemic, Women and Mental Health in Zimbabwe: A Gender-Based Violence perspective – Muyambo, T.
15. “Don’t call me Naomi … Call me Mara...” (Ruth 1:20): re-thinking about God in the face of COVID-19 trauma - Mwandayi, C.
16. Women Mental Health Illness and COVID-19 in Zimbabwe: A Gendered Perspective - Sande, N
17. Impact of COVID-19 on mental health: A Case of Indigenous Ndebele women within Gwanda District, Zimbabwe - Sibiziwe, S., Muyangata, J. & Francisca, J.
18.The agency of the elderly women in indigenous responses to COVID-19-related mental health challenges among the Ndau of south-eastern Zimbabwe - Sipeyiye, M.
19. A blessing in disguise? The socio-economic impact of Covid-19 on urban women in Zimbabwe - Taringana, T. & Sipeyiye, M.
20. The Roles of Pastor’s Wife in the Post-COVID 19 Pandemic Era in Reference to Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) and the Salvation Army, Nigeria - Olajide, G.O. & Olajide, M.D.
21. African Women, Covid-19, Grounded theology and the adoption of a religious virtual space in CITAM Ngong Church and Nomiya Luo Church in Kenya - Maseno, L. & Chirongoma, S.
22. Eco-Justice Incongruous with other Social ills: An African Theological Perspective and Indigenous Epistemology – Ngwena, P.D.
23. A hybrid approach to spiritual care: The impact of social media in pastoral care spaces – Hove, R.
This themed issue presents a collection of articles that delve into the intricate relationships between religious beliefs, identity formation, and the ever-evolving dynamics of social change. The primary objective is to illuminate the multifaceted ways in which religion intertwines with personal and collective identities, influencing and being influenced by the social transformations of the modern era.
1. Abu Ya’la ibn al-Farra’ (990-1066) and the influence of his ideas on the formation of the views of Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328) – Maevskaya, L. & Aga, Kh.M.
2. Patch in the ritual and daily practice of the Turkic people – Khazbulatov, A., Zhihui, L., Shaigozova, Zh. & Ibragimov, A.
3. Jewellery development in right-bank Ukraine and Galicia (XVI-XIX centuries): Insights from precious ecclesiastical artifacts – Kostiuchenko, K.
4. Analysis of causes and factors of the spread of takfirism in Kazakhstan – Shokay, Ye., Kerim, Sh., Mukhitdinov, R. & Alpysbayev, Ye.
5. Isbijab – a new centre for the development of Islamic law (XI-XII) – Ilesbekov, B., Abylov, T., Kerim, Sh., Mukhitdinov, R. & Alpysbayev, Ye.
6. The importance of a semantic approach in understanding the texts of the Holy Quran and Sunnah - Chukhanov, S. & Kairbekov, N.
7. Legal regulation of confessional relations in Kazakhstan – Toilybekova, E., Zhusupbekova, M., Zhumagulova, Sh. & Abubakirova, G.
8. The phenomenon of religious conversion in Kazakhstan and its influence on personality formation – Zhaxybayeva, A., Kaliyev, K., Amankul, T., Adilbayeva, Sh. & Zatov, K.
9. Interaction of politics and religion as a factor in shaping the religious culture of Kyrgyzstan’s youth – Osmonova, D., Zhunushova, S., Imanbekov, U., Sharshenaliev, U. & Moldobaeva, A.
10. The educational ministry of early Korean colporteurs – Kim, K.-H. & Chung, J.-K.
11. Religious orientations on attitude toward a secular state: Case of evangelical Lutheran churches in north regions of Kazakhstan – Mazhiyev, G., Rashimbetov, R. & Kairbekov, N.
12. Abortion as an ethical-religious problem in Islam – Bertymuratov, Yu., Mukanova, A. & Razdykova, G.
13. Conceptual approach to understanding the social aspects of the educational potential of the Islamic studies – Zholmukhan, T., Smagulov, M., Kairbekov, N. & Sydykova, R.
14. The influence of Shakarim Kudaiberdiev's work on the economic, cultural, and spiritual development of Kazakhstan in the late 19th century and early 20th century – Smagulov, N., Issakhan, M., Mukhitdinov, R. & Zhamashev, A.
15. The current state and ways of improving Islamic Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan – Beisenbayev, B. & Almukhametov, A.
16. A Sociological study of the Religious Identity of young people in Central Asia and Europe (following the example of Kyrgyzstan and Poland) – Osmonova, D., Zhunushova, S., Kostuk, Sh., Bekboeva, A. & Alykulova, G.
17. Hasan al-Turabi's pragmatic approach to establishing an Islamic State in Sudan - Ahmad Nabilul Maram, Husein Aziz & M. Ridlwan Nasir
18. LGBTQI Rights crucified in Indonesia? New Penal Code anti missio Dei? - Thinane, J.
19. The Agency of Children and Animals in the Prevention of Catastrophe: Judith 4:8-15 and Jonah 3:6-10 - Nortje-Meyer, SJ (Lilly)
20. Unveiling the depths of trauma and the profound impact of rape and shaming on the Babylonian women in Isaiah 13:16 – A trauma and resilience reading of the violent narrative in Isaiah 13:16 - Esterhuizen, E. & Groenewald, A.
21. Waging a Just and Ethical War – Contemplating Saint Augustine, ‘Just War’ theory, Gaza, and other Philosophical Notions – Nicolaides, A.
22. African Pentecostalism and Ecological Spirituality: Liturgy and Supplication from a Pneumatology Perspective - Ngwena, P.D.
23. The Intersection of Religion and Politics: A Systematic Literature Review – Bahri, S., Naldi, A., al-Mujtahid, N.M. & Rahmansyah Fadlul Al Karim Rambe.
Review article: Philip G. Kreyenbroek, Early Zoroastrianism and Orality, Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Reihe: Iranica, Neue Folge 20, Herausgegeben von Philip G. Kreyenbroek, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2023, ISBN 978-3-447-11424-0, 309pp. Reviewer: R. Tatu
Volume 105(2) March/April 2024 Regular Issue
1. The Disposition of Christians to Political Governance in Nigeria in Relation to Romans 12:14 - 13:10 – Olajide, M.D.
2. Unity in Diversity: An Exploration of the Indonesian Concept of 'Bhinneka Tunggal Ika' According to the Bible - Harman Ziduhu Laia
3. The Independent Mosque Movement in Improving Empowerment Towards the Welfare of Muslims in Medan City, Indonesia Abrar Adhani., Emi Triani, Yofiendi Indah Indainanto & Citra Safira
4. The Role of Piety (Taqwa) And Gratitude (Syukur) In Islam on Human Emotional Intelligence - Wijaya, I.S., Tahir, M., Saputranur, Handari, S.
5. False hope religion? Socio-economic turmoil and the rise of prosperity gospel in Zimbabwe - Sibanda, F., Sibanda, O., Ntombana, L. & Jere, T.
6. A Thematic Study of the Quran and Hadith on the Election of Leaders: A Case Study of Presidential Elections in Indonesia in 2024 - Sembiring, W.M., Saraan, M.I.K., Rozi, F. & Nurasiah.
7. Interfaith Da'wah in Indonesia: A Hermeneutic Perspective on the Hadith of Abu Daud and Bukhari – Zulfahmi., Kurniawati, D., Wibowo, T.O. & Rubino.
8. A Study of the Philosophy of Education and Analysis of the Principles of Implementing Education according to the Al-Qur’an - Manurung, P., Saragih, A.H. & Hasibuan, P.
9. Muslims Acceptance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Indonesia – Asbi., Malik, R., Kurniawati, J. & Nasution, L. N.
10. Islamic Holy Days: The Contention of Rukyatul Hillal and Hisab Hakiki Wujudul Hilal Disputes for Muslims in Indonesia - Koto, I., Hati, L.P., Manurung, A.S. & Siregar, A.S.
11. Challenging the Sacred: The Law of Doubting the Authenticity of the Qur'an in the Perspective of the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council - Dalimunthe, A.Q., Pratiwi, E.R. & Batubara, T.
12. The Missiological basis of Evangelism in Disadvantaged Communities and the Pivotal Role of the Church – Freeks, F.E.
13. Male Ulama Rereading on Hadith of Gender in Indonesian Socio Cultural Contexts – Nikmatullah, N.
14. The Commodification of Religious Rituals: Representations of Political Actors in Indonesian Elections - Lubis, F.H., Nasution, F.A. & Harahap, R.H.
15. Postmodernism and the Challenges of a Christian Education Worldview in Higher Education in Indonesia - Santoso, J., Tanasyah, Y., Sutrisno & Rismawati, N.
16. Islam and Cults: A Study of the Implementation of the Fatwa Policy of the Indonesian Ulema Council -Purba, A.M., Nasution, N.F. & Bangun, I.C.
17. Considering Organizational Commitment and the Spirituality Effect on Evangelism Readiness in Church Congregations in Surabaya - Lontoh, F.O.L., Chia, P.S., Yunita Stella, Siahaan, Y.Y. & Triono.
18.A Biblical Study of “Forgiveness” in the Gospel in Matthew 6:14-15 and its Implications for Christians – Fendy, Muner Daliman, Paulus Sentot Purwoko & Sri Wahyuni.
19.Resurgence of African Spiritualities in the New Prophetic Churches - Resane, K.T.
20. An Exploration of Stages of Engagement and Pentecostal Social Theology - Andreas Budi Setyobekti, Anggi Maringan Hasiholan, Jannes Eduard Sirait, Yogi Mahendra, Susanna Kathryn, John Riwu Pekuwali.
21. Dynamics of Resilience in Muslim Adolescents from Broken Home Families: A Theological Analysis - Sofia, L., Rasyid,M., Faradillah, A., Soleha, T.F., Luthfiyana, D.S.D., Rahayu, D., Suhesty, A. & Sandjaja, M.
22. Evil Re-examined: Barthian Insights Post-COVID Pandemic - Saragih, D.B.
23. A Theological Reflection of ‘Imago Dei’ as a Response to ‘LGBTQ’ Advocates - Owoeye, E.A.
24. “Brothers of Different Periods”: Martin Luther and John Wesley’s Influence on the Twenty-First Century Church - Mujinga, M.
25. The Doctrine of Retribution and Religious Responses to the HIV and AIDS Pandemic - Hlatywayo, A.M. & Chirongoma, S.
26. Theology and Ethics in Values-Based Journalism Communicating Islamic Perspectives - Farid, A.S., Rahmah, R.A., Daulay, I. & Desiana.
27. A duplication of marriages? An ethnographic account and assessment of the necessity for both traditional and Christian marriages for African Christians - Dube, E.E.N.
28. A Theological Study of the Impact of an Interreligious Marriage: Self-Adjustment in Couples from different Religions - Rifayanti ,R., Ramadhani, A., Rahman, N.N., Zahra, N., Affifa, K., Adilah, S. & Diana.
29. God-talk rhetoric and the abuse of Women in Neo-Pentecostalism: developing the Pentecostal theology of hearing from God - Kgatle, M.S.
30. Reformed Pulpit and God’s mission: ‘Solae Doctrine’ to missio Dei - Thinane, J.S.
31. An Ethiopian “Renaissance” Queen? Mentewab as Protector of Art and Patron of Iconography - Steyn, R.
32. Gender based violence in the Commercialistion of Religion in Neo-Pentecostal Churches - Resane, K.T.
33. Socio- spiritual approaches towards rehabilitation of the victims of sexual molestation in Zimbabwe: An African pastoral care perspective- Rabson Hove, R.
34. An Appraisal of the Role of Women in the Birth and Growth of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), Nigeria - Olajide, G.O. & Oderinde, O.A.
35. The God of the Ostracised: The use of Lived Religion Theory in advancing Queer Spirituality - Ntombana, L. & Sibanda, F.
Volume 105 (1) January 2024 Regular Issue
(Peer Reviewed September t0 December 2023)
1.Digital Da'wah Indonesia Ulema in the Discourse of Theology- Sikumbang, A.T., Maulana Andinata Dalimunthe, Kholil S. & Nasution, N.F.
2.“Air Hidup” Therapy Model based on Psalm 42-43 to Mitigate Depression in Church Congregations : An Explanatory - Confirmation Study - Sulistyo, S., Daliman, M., Harianto, G.P. & Purwoko, P.S.
3. Misconceptions of Jihad: A Constructivist Review of the Meaning of Struggle in Islam in the Modern Era: Analysis of the verses al-Amwaal wa al-Nafs – Ritonga, A.R., Firmansyah., Zein, A., Syam, A.M. & Ohorella, N.R.
4. Construction of Sunni-Shia Thought and Its Manifestation Towards Geopolitics in Indonesia – Khairifa, F., Sebayang, V.A., Asrul., Rambe, R.F.A.K. & al-Mujtahid, N.M.
5. The Love of Christ in Husband - Wife relationships based on Ephesians 5:22 – 33 - Implications for Christian Families – Bulahari, H.F., Daliman, M., Stefanus, T.A., Windarti, M.T. & Parulian
6. Political and Legal Improvisation on the Issue of Religious Politicization: A Study of the Forum for Religious Harmony in Indonesia - Ritonga, A.D., Hadita, C., Mawardi., Al Attas, S.M., Wicaksono, B. & Masril, M.
7. Religion and the English Language - Wallace, L.
8. ProPent and its Implied Conversation Partners’ – Lombaard, C.
9. Modeling Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia according to Ibnu Khaldun Philosophy (an approach to morality in the Qur’an) - Siti Nur Latifah., Fathorrazi, M., Yuliati, L. & Yunitasari, D., Siti Nur Latifah, Moehammad Fathorrazi, Lilis Yuliati & Duwi Yunitasari
10.Questions of Peace: Judges 6:11-32 and the Obstacles to Harmony between Gideon and His Elders – Martin, L.R.
11. New wine into old wineskins: A theological reflection on police brutality in South AfricaMokoena, K.
12.Tapping into the Political Assets of Basotho Traditional Religion: In Search of Political Stability in Lesotho - Mokotso, R.I.
13. Kohelet’s Escape: The Heart Freely Subordinated to Divine Navigation -Grenier, M.
14. The Implementation of Hybrid Education at Sunergeo Theological Seminary Banten as a response to the Great Commission – Loho, A., Maharini, A., Wiwoho, A.B., Bambang, A., Tarore, D.M., May., Loho, J.G.G., Kusmanto, M., Kereh, M.E. & Marbun, T.O.
15. Indonesian Eco-Ecclesiology: Defending Earth Against Ecological Damage In Batak Land - Simangunsong, B., Aritonang, H.D., Sembiring, R., Zebua, S.
16. Perichoresis and the Theology of Solidarity: A Foundation of Sosial Cohesion for Christian Millennials in Indonesia – Han, C., Sukamto, A. & Pramono, R.
17. Kazakh superstitions between humans and nature as a system of compatibility in theology - Yerkebulan Yerzhanov, Alikbayeva Marzhan, Omirbekova Aliya, Kaupenbayeva Samal & Seisenbayeva Akbota
18. Women in the Public Sphere: Gender Equality in Islamic Theology -Ginting, L.D.C.U., Nasution, V.A., Suhendar, A., Nasution, A.R. & Ramadhan, A.R.
19. Understanding Agape Leadership: A Scoping Review – Peekunnel, S.P. & Srinivas, V.
20. Chaplaincy Transitioning Covid-19 in the South African Mining Sector - Phalatsi-Shilubana, M.
21. Analysis of the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council Supporting Halal Certification and the Progress of Indonesian Muslims - Hardiyanto, S., Eriza, F., Ridho, H., Noorikhsan, F.F., Agustian, D. & Batubara, P.E.O.
22. Biblical and theological understanding the Word: בְּרָכָֽה in the Pentateuch- Harianto, G.P., Sahertian, N.L, Salurante, T. & Ming, D.
23. The trauma of war: reflecting on aspects of fear, loss, but also disempowerment of the enemy (hope) in the Book of Nahum – Esterhuizen, E. & Wessels, W.J.
24. Decoloniality on Culture and Religion: Anglican Ritual performed on the Zulu King - Phalatsi-Shilubana, M., Thinane, J.S., Masuku, M.T., Naicker, L., Hove, R., Baloyi, E., Bentley, W., Molobi, V. & Khuzwayo, S.
25. From advocating to attending: The shifting role of the South African Council of Churches during the COVID-19 pandemic - Jentile, T.
26. The Church in Digital Society: An Effort to Transform Church Ministry in Indonesia - Ronda, D., Gumelar, F. & Wijaya, H.
27. Integration between Islamic Revelation and Local Culture: A Study of Theology and the Indigenisation of Islam in Indonesia - Moh. Ashif Fuadi, Moh. Mahbub, Nor Huda Ali, Martina Safitry, Irma Ayu Kartika Dewi
28. Philip and the African Man: Dimensions of Text and Narrative - Wilson, M.
29. Religious Scriptures in Indonesia focusing on Semantic Studies towards unity - Zacharias, S., Sugiyarto, K.H., Daliman, M. & Sukarna, T.
30.Considering Gustavo Gutierres' Theology of Liberation and Its Comparison to Western Theology and Outlining its Practical Implications-Missa, A.
31. The nexus between Gender-based Violence and the COVID-19 pandemic in Zimbabwe: A case study of the Johane Marange Apostolic Church - Marevesa, T.
32. Weeding Syncretism from Pentecostal Wheat in Zimbabwe – Tagwirei, K.
33. Sacred sites, identity, and resilience - on the retrieval of collective and historic identity across religious and cultural difference – Kleinhempel, U.R. & Nicolaides, A.
This themed issue explores Religion/theology, Mother Earth, and pandemics in the context of gender. The enquiry embraces the complexity of belief systems and scrutinizes practical implications for fostering nuanced understandings of the multifaceted relationships that influence societal resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges. Focusing on how religious and theological perspectives shape gendered responses to crises related to Mother Earth, and pandemics, we acknowledge diverse experiences and cultural nuances. From gender and environmental exploitation to impacts and responses to pandemics, we seek to illuminate pathways for collective resilience, and sustainable coexistence. In pursuit of practical insight, this thematic inquiry aspires to unravel connections that foster solutions, fortitude, and resilience in the face of contemporary problems.
CLOSED - VOLUME 105 (5) October 2024 Regular issue forthcoming articles are under review
Anniegrace Mapangisana Hlatywayo (PhD D.) - Lead editor. Midlands State University, Zimbabwe and Research Institute for Theology and Religion (RITR)- UNISA, South Africa.
Macloud Sipeyiye (Ph.D.), Midlands State University, Zimbabwe and Research Institute for Theology and Religion (RITR) UNISA, South Africa.
Canisius Mwandayi (Ph.D.). Africa University, Zimbabwe and Research Institute for Theology and Religion (RITR), UNISA, SouthAfrica.
Sophia Chirongoma (Ph.D.) Research Institute for Theology and Religion (RITR), UNISA, South Africa.
This themed issue on African Women, COVID-19 and Mental Health is a collection of articles presented at a conference hosted by the Midlands State University, Department of Religious Studies and Ethics, in collaboration with the Humboldt Research Hub in Africa on Women, Religion and Pandemics, stationed at the University of Zimbabwe, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany.
1. Pastoral Therapy on Euthanasia: Christian Humanism and Ubuntu Embracing Openness - Phalatsi-Shilubana, M.
2. African Traditional Medicine as a COVID-19 treatment and the South African Government response - Bhuda, T.S. & Mdhluli, T.D.
3. Transformative light and thresholds: exploring metaphor in brutalist church architecture – Odendaal, W.
4. Re-reading the Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa: A Narrative Paradigm - Marevesa, T. & Meyer, B
5. Covid-19,Women’s Mental Health, and Religion in Zimbabwe:Insights from Christian Women and Clergymen in Masvingo, Zimbabwe-Chireshe, E.
6. COVID-19, Christian Women and Mental Health: An African Interventionist Response - Hlatywayo, A.M.
7.When mentally ill women become sexual preys in Zimbabwe: An African indigenous religio-cultural perspective - Humbe, B.P.
8.Double pandemic for Sub-Saharan African women during COVID-19: A Critical Patriarchal Exposé with Intervention Strategies – Jeawon, R.& Konyana, E.
9.Women and care ethics during the COVID-19 pandemic: Who cares for the care-givers? - Konyana, E.
10. Women, Biblical Texts and COVID-19 in Zimbabwe: Navigating the Mental Health Terrain - Manyonganise, M.
11. Behind the ‘bruised male ego’ – negotiating women ‘pressures’ in the homes during COVID-19 lockdowns: Congolese and Zimbabwean men in focus - Mukole, M. & Mwandayi, C.
12. Women in Pentecostal churches and mental wellbeing during the COVID- 19 pandemic: The case of the Apostolic Faith Mission of Zimbabwe - Mupangwa, T.
13.COVID-19, mother-teachers and teen suicide-personality disorder: Exploring the synergies and readying for contingencies in Indigenous-Christian contexts - Museka, G. & Hlatywayo, A.M.
14.The COVID-19 pandemic, Women and Mental Health in Zimbabwe: A Gender-Based Violence perspective – Muyambo, T.
15. “Don’t call me Naomi … Call me Mara...” (Ruth 1:20): re-thinking about God in the face of COVID-19 trauma - Mwandayi, C.
16. Women Mental Health Illness and COVID-19 in Zimbabwe: A Gendered Perspective - Sande, N
17. Impact of COVID-19 on mental health: A Case of Indigenous Ndebele women within Gwanda District, Zimbabwe - Sibiziwe, S., Muyangata, J. & Francisca, J.
18.The agency of the elderly women in indigenous responses to COVID-19-related mental health challenges among the Ndau of south-eastern Zimbabwe - Sipeyiye, M.
19. A blessing in disguise? The socio-economic impact of Covid-19 on urban women in Zimbabwe - Taringana, T. & Sipeyiye, M.
20. The Roles of Pastor’s Wife in the Post-COVID 19 Pandemic Era in Reference to Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) and the Salvation Army, Nigeria - Olajide, G.O. & Olajide, M.D.
21. African Women, Covid-19, Grounded theology and the adoption of a religious virtual space in CITAM Ngong Church and Nomiya Luo Church in Kenya - Maseno, L. & Chirongoma, S.
22. Eco-Justice Incongruous with other Social ills: An African Theological Perspective and Indigenous Epistemology – Ngwena, P.D.
23. A hybrid approach to spiritual care: The impact of social media in pastoral care spaces – Hove, R.
This themed issue presents a collection of articles that delve into the intricate relationships between religious beliefs, identity formation, and the ever-evolving dynamics of social change. The primary objective is to illuminate the multifaceted ways in which religion intertwines with personal and collective identities, influencing and being influenced by the social transformations of the modern era.
1. Abu Ya’la ibn al-Farra’ (990-1066) and the influence of his ideas on the formation of the views of Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328) – Maevskaya, L. & Aga, Kh.M.
2. Patch in the ritual and daily practice of the Turkic people – Khazbulatov, A., Zhihui, L., Shaigozova, Zh. & Ibragimov, A.
3. Jewellery development in right-bank Ukraine and Galicia (XVI-XIX centuries): Insights from precious ecclesiastical artifacts – Kostiuchenko, K.
4. Analysis of causes and factors of the spread of takfirism in Kazakhstan – Shokay, Ye., Kerim, Sh., Mukhitdinov, R. & Alpysbayev, Ye.
5. Isbijab – a new centre for the development of Islamic law (XI-XII) – Ilesbekov, B., Abylov, T., Kerim, Sh., Mukhitdinov, R. & Alpysbayev, Ye.
6. The importance of a semantic approach in understanding the texts of the Holy Quran and Sunnah - Chukhanov, S. & Kairbekov, N.
7. Legal regulation of confessional relations in Kazakhstan – Toilybekova, E., Zhusupbekova, M., Zhumagulova, Sh. & Abubakirova, G.
8. The phenomenon of religious conversion in Kazakhstan and its influence on personality formation – Zhaxybayeva, A., Kaliyev, K., Amankul, T., Adilbayeva, Sh. & Zatov, K.
9. Interaction of politics and religion as a factor in shaping the religious culture of Kyrgyzstan’s youth – Osmonova, D., Zhunushova, S., Imanbekov, U., Sharshenaliev, U. & Moldobaeva, A.
10. The educational ministry of early Korean colporteurs – Kim, K.-H. & Chung, J.-K.
11. Religious orientations on attitude toward a secular state: Case of evangelical Lutheran churches in north regions of Kazakhstan – Mazhiyev, G., Rashimbetov, R. & Kairbekov, N.
12. Abortion as an ethical-religious problem in Islam – Bertymuratov, Yu., Mukanova, A. & Razdykova, G.
13. Conceptual approach to understanding the social aspects of the educational potential of the Islamic studies – Zholmukhan, T., Smagulov, M., Kairbekov, N. & Sydykova, R.
14. The influence of Shakarim Kudaiberdiev's work on the economic, cultural, and spiritual development of Kazakhstan in the late 19th century and early 20th century – Smagulov, N., Issakhan, M., Mukhitdinov, R. & Zhamashev, A.
15. The current state and ways of improving Islamic Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan – Beisenbayev, B. & Almukhametov, A.
16. A Sociological study of the Religious Identity of young people in Central Asia and Europe (following the example of Kyrgyzstan and Poland) – Osmonova, D., Zhunushova, S., Kostuk, Sh., Bekboeva, A. & Alykulova, G.
17. Hasan al-Turabi's pragmatic approach to establishing an Islamic State in Sudan - Ahmad Nabilul Maram, Husein Aziz & M. Ridlwan Nasir
18. LGBTQI Rights crucified in Indonesia? New Penal Code anti missio Dei? - Thinane, J.
19. The Agency of Children and Animals in the Prevention of Catastrophe: Judith 4:8-15 and Jonah 3:6-10 - Nortje-Meyer, SJ (Lilly)
20. Unveiling the depths of trauma and the profound impact of rape and shaming on the Babylonian women in Isaiah 13:16 – A trauma and resilience reading of the violent narrative in Isaiah 13:16 - Esterhuizen, E. & Groenewald, A.
21. Waging a Just and Ethical War – Contemplating Saint Augustine, ‘Just War’ theory, Gaza, and other Philosophical Notions – Nicolaides, A.
22. African Pentecostalism and Ecological Spirituality: Liturgy and Supplication from a Pneumatology Perspective - Ngwena, P.D.
23. The Intersection of Religion and Politics: A Systematic Literature Review – Bahri, S., Naldi, A., al-Mujtahid, N.M. & Rahmansyah Fadlul Al Karim Rambe.
Review article: Philip G. Kreyenbroek, Early Zoroastrianism and Orality, Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Reihe: Iranica, Neue Folge 20, Herausgegeben von Philip G. Kreyenbroek, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2023, ISBN 978-3-447-11424-0, 309pp. Reviewer: R. Tatu
Volume 105(2) March/April 2024 Regular Issue
1. The Disposition of Christians to Political Governance in Nigeria in Relation to Romans 12:14 - 13:10 – Olajide, M.D.
2. Unity in Diversity: An Exploration of the Indonesian Concept of 'Bhinneka Tunggal Ika' According to the Bible - Harman Ziduhu Laia
3. The Independent Mosque Movement in Improving Empowerment Towards the Welfare of Muslims in Medan City, Indonesia Abrar Adhani., Emi Triani, Yofiendi Indah Indainanto & Citra Safira
4. The Role of Piety (Taqwa) And Gratitude (Syukur) In Islam on Human Emotional Intelligence - Wijaya, I.S., Tahir, M., Saputranur, Handari, S.
5. False hope religion? Socio-economic turmoil and the rise of prosperity gospel in Zimbabwe - Sibanda, F., Sibanda, O., Ntombana, L. & Jere, T.
6. A Thematic Study of the Quran and Hadith on the Election of Leaders: A Case Study of Presidential Elections in Indonesia in 2024 - Sembiring, W.M., Saraan, M.I.K., Rozi, F. & Nurasiah.
7. Interfaith Da'wah in Indonesia: A Hermeneutic Perspective on the Hadith of Abu Daud and Bukhari – Zulfahmi., Kurniawati, D., Wibowo, T.O. & Rubino.
8. A Study of the Philosophy of Education and Analysis of the Principles of Implementing Education according to the Al-Qur’an - Manurung, P., Saragih, A.H. & Hasibuan, P.
9. Muslims Acceptance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Indonesia – Asbi., Malik, R., Kurniawati, J. & Nasution, L. N.
10. Islamic Holy Days: The Contention of Rukyatul Hillal and Hisab Hakiki Wujudul Hilal Disputes for Muslims in Indonesia - Koto, I., Hati, L.P., Manurung, A.S. & Siregar, A.S.
11. Challenging the Sacred: The Law of Doubting the Authenticity of the Qur'an in the Perspective of the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council - Dalimunthe, A.Q., Pratiwi, E.R. & Batubara, T.
12. The Missiological basis of Evangelism in Disadvantaged Communities and the Pivotal Role of the Church – Freeks, F.E.
13. Male Ulama Rereading on Hadith of Gender in Indonesian Socio Cultural Contexts – Nikmatullah, N.
14. The Commodification of Religious Rituals: Representations of Political Actors in Indonesian Elections - Lubis, F.H., Nasution, F.A. & Harahap, R.H.
15. Postmodernism and the Challenges of a Christian Education Worldview in Higher Education in Indonesia - Santoso, J., Tanasyah, Y., Sutrisno & Rismawati, N.
16. Islam and Cults: A Study of the Implementation of the Fatwa Policy of the Indonesian Ulema Council -Purba, A.M., Nasution, N.F. & Bangun, I.C.
17. Considering Organizational Commitment and the Spirituality Effect on Evangelism Readiness in Church Congregations in Surabaya - Lontoh, F.O.L., Chia, P.S., Yunita Stella, Siahaan, Y.Y. & Triono.
18.A Biblical Study of “Forgiveness” in the Gospel in Matthew 6:14-15 and its Implications for Christians – Fendy, Muner Daliman, Paulus Sentot Purwoko & Sri Wahyuni.
19.Resurgence of African Spiritualities in the New Prophetic Churches - Resane, K.T.
20. An Exploration of Stages of Engagement and Pentecostal Social Theology - Andreas Budi Setyobekti, Anggi Maringan Hasiholan, Jannes Eduard Sirait, Yogi Mahendra, Susanna Kathryn, John Riwu Pekuwali.
21. Dynamics of Resilience in Muslim Adolescents from Broken Home Families: A Theological Analysis - Sofia, L., Rasyid,M., Faradillah, A., Soleha, T.F., Luthfiyana, D.S.D., Rahayu, D., Suhesty, A. & Sandjaja, M.
22. Evil Re-examined: Barthian Insights Post-COVID Pandemic - Saragih, D.B.
23. A Theological Reflection of ‘Imago Dei’ as a Response to ‘LGBTQ’ Advocates - Owoeye, E.A.
24. “Brothers of Different Periods”: Martin Luther and John Wesley’s Influence on the Twenty-First Century Church - Mujinga, M.
25. The Doctrine of Retribution and Religious Responses to the HIV and AIDS Pandemic - Hlatywayo, A.M. & Chirongoma, S.
26. Theology and Ethics in Values-Based Journalism Communicating Islamic Perspectives - Farid, A.S., Rahmah, R.A., Daulay, I. & Desiana.
27. A duplication of marriages? An ethnographic account and assessment of the necessity for both traditional and Christian marriages for African Christians - Dube, E.E.N.
28. A Theological Study of the Impact of an Interreligious Marriage: Self-Adjustment in Couples from different Religions - Rifayanti ,R., Ramadhani, A., Rahman, N.N., Zahra, N., Affifa, K., Adilah, S. & Diana.
29. God-talk rhetoric and the abuse of Women in Neo-Pentecostalism: developing the Pentecostal theology of hearing from God - Kgatle, M.S.
30. Reformed Pulpit and God’s mission: ‘Solae Doctrine’ to missio Dei - Thinane, J.S.
31. An Ethiopian “Renaissance” Queen? Mentewab as Protector of Art and Patron of Iconography - Steyn, R.
32. Gender based violence in the Commercialistion of Religion in Neo-Pentecostal Churches - Resane, K.T.
33. Socio- spiritual approaches towards rehabilitation of the victims of sexual molestation in Zimbabwe: An African pastoral care perspective- Rabson Hove, R.
34. An Appraisal of the Role of Women in the Birth and Growth of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), Nigeria - Olajide, G.O. & Oderinde, O.A.
35. The God of the Ostracised: The use of Lived Religion Theory in advancing Queer Spirituality - Ntombana, L. & Sibanda, F.
Volume 105 (1) January 2024 Regular Issue
(Peer Reviewed September t0 December 2023)
1.Digital Da'wah Indonesia Ulema in the Discourse of Theology- Sikumbang, A.T., Maulana Andinata Dalimunthe, Kholil S. & Nasution, N.F.
2.“Air Hidup” Therapy Model based on Psalm 42-43 to Mitigate Depression in Church Congregations : An Explanatory - Confirmation Study - Sulistyo, S., Daliman, M., Harianto, G.P. & Purwoko, P.S.
3. Misconceptions of Jihad: A Constructivist Review of the Meaning of Struggle in Islam in the Modern Era: Analysis of the verses al-Amwaal wa al-Nafs – Ritonga, A.R., Firmansyah., Zein, A., Syam, A.M. & Ohorella, N.R.
4. Construction of Sunni-Shia Thought and Its Manifestation Towards Geopolitics in Indonesia – Khairifa, F., Sebayang, V.A., Asrul., Rambe, R.F.A.K. & al-Mujtahid, N.M.
5. The Love of Christ in Husband - Wife relationships based on Ephesians 5:22 – 33 - Implications for Christian Families – Bulahari, H.F., Daliman, M., Stefanus, T.A., Windarti, M.T. & Parulian
6. Political and Legal Improvisation on the Issue of Religious Politicization: A Study of the Forum for Religious Harmony in Indonesia - Ritonga, A.D., Hadita, C., Mawardi., Al Attas, S.M., Wicaksono, B. & Masril, M.
7. Religion and the English Language - Wallace, L.
8. ProPent and its Implied Conversation Partners’ – Lombaard, C.
9. Modeling Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia according to Ibnu Khaldun Philosophy (an approach to morality in the Qur’an) - Siti Nur Latifah., Fathorrazi, M., Yuliati, L. & Yunitasari, D., Siti Nur Latifah, Moehammad Fathorrazi, Lilis Yuliati & Duwi Yunitasari
10.Questions of Peace: Judges 6:11-32 and the Obstacles to Harmony between Gideon and His Elders – Martin, L.R.
11. New wine into old wineskins: A theological reflection on police brutality in South AfricaMokoena, K.
12.Tapping into the Political Assets of Basotho Traditional Religion: In Search of Political Stability in Lesotho - Mokotso, R.I.
13. Kohelet’s Escape: The Heart Freely Subordinated to Divine Navigation -Grenier, M.
14. The Implementation of Hybrid Education at Sunergeo Theological Seminary Banten as a response to the Great Commission – Loho, A., Maharini, A., Wiwoho, A.B., Bambang, A., Tarore, D.M., May., Loho, J.G.G., Kusmanto, M., Kereh, M.E. & Marbun, T.O.
15. Indonesian Eco-Ecclesiology: Defending Earth Against Ecological Damage In Batak Land - Simangunsong, B., Aritonang, H.D., Sembiring, R., Zebua, S.
16. Perichoresis and the Theology of Solidarity: A Foundation of Sosial Cohesion for Christian Millennials in Indonesia – Han, C., Sukamto, A. & Pramono, R.
17. Kazakh superstitions between humans and nature as a system of compatibility in theology - Yerkebulan Yerzhanov, Alikbayeva Marzhan, Omirbekova Aliya, Kaupenbayeva Samal & Seisenbayeva Akbota
18. Women in the Public Sphere: Gender Equality in Islamic Theology -Ginting, L.D.C.U., Nasution, V.A., Suhendar, A., Nasution, A.R. & Ramadhan, A.R.
19. Understanding Agape Leadership: A Scoping Review – Peekunnel, S.P. & Srinivas, V.
20. Chaplaincy Transitioning Covid-19 in the South African Mining Sector - Phalatsi-Shilubana, M.
21. Analysis of the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council Supporting Halal Certification and the Progress of Indonesian Muslims - Hardiyanto, S., Eriza, F., Ridho, H., Noorikhsan, F.F., Agustian, D. & Batubara, P.E.O.
22. Biblical and theological understanding the Word: בְּרָכָֽה in the Pentateuch- Harianto, G.P., Sahertian, N.L, Salurante, T. & Ming, D.
23. The trauma of war: reflecting on aspects of fear, loss, but also disempowerment of the enemy (hope) in the Book of Nahum – Esterhuizen, E. & Wessels, W.J.
24. Decoloniality on Culture and Religion: Anglican Ritual performed on the Zulu King - Phalatsi-Shilubana, M., Thinane, J.S., Masuku, M.T., Naicker, L., Hove, R., Baloyi, E., Bentley, W., Molobi, V. & Khuzwayo, S.
25. From advocating to attending: The shifting role of the South African Council of Churches during the COVID-19 pandemic - Jentile, T.
26. The Church in Digital Society: An Effort to Transform Church Ministry in Indonesia - Ronda, D., Gumelar, F. & Wijaya, H.
27. Integration between Islamic Revelation and Local Culture: A Study of Theology and the Indigenisation of Islam in Indonesia - Moh. Ashif Fuadi, Moh. Mahbub, Nor Huda Ali, Martina Safitry, Irma Ayu Kartika Dewi
28. Philip and the African Man: Dimensions of Text and Narrative - Wilson, M.
29. Religious Scriptures in Indonesia focusing on Semantic Studies towards unity - Zacharias, S., Sugiyarto, K.H., Daliman, M. & Sukarna, T.
30.Considering Gustavo Gutierres' Theology of Liberation and Its Comparison to Western Theology and Outlining its Practical Implications-Missa, A.
31. The nexus between Gender-based Violence and the COVID-19 pandemic in Zimbabwe: A case study of the Johane Marange Apostolic Church - Marevesa, T.
32. Weeding Syncretism from Pentecostal Wheat in Zimbabwe – Tagwirei, K.
33. Sacred sites, identity, and resilience - on the retrieval of collective and historic identity across religious and cultural difference – Kleinhempel, U.R. & Nicolaides, A.